Movie: Brokeback Mountain
The supposed frontrunner in the Oscar race was the first film in my annual January/February "see-all-the-year's-best-movies-at-once" marathon. I was able to catch a Tuesday night screening at the Avon Cinema (the best movie theater in Rhode Island). Despite some aggravating projection problems (2/3 of the movie was exceptionally dim), I found I very much enjoyed the film, but question whether it is a runaway Best Picture winner.
The basic premise should be familiar to everyone. (If you aren't familiar, I'll recap: gay cowboys in love.) The film depicts a period of over 20 years in the lives of Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger) and Jack Twist (Jake Gyllenhaal), which immediately sets this film apart from most celluloid love stories. This is not a movie about that adorable moment when two people fall in love. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find that moment in Brokeback Mountain. This is a movie about a love that develops and changes and strengthens despite the considerable forces pulling them apart. For this reason, you will hear people complain that the film is "too slow" or "boring". Those people are wrong.
This film should win its fair share of Oscars. I would say that Ang Lee (Best Director), Heath Ledger (Best Actor) and Rodrigo Prieto (Best Cinematography) are locks. Gyllenhaal, Michelle Williams, and Gustavo Santaolalla (Best Score) will also be serious contenders. But I have doubts about the Best Picture race. This might be a case where the film is less than the sum of its parts. Which is not to imply that I didn't like the film; I loved it. But I expect that in the upcoming weeks, I will love Munich more. Or Crash. Or Good Night, and Good Luck. Or The New World. I won't be shocked if Brokeback wins, but I'll be disappointed that it was the best movie made this year.
Categories: Movies
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