He don't have a heart. I just keep feeding him shells. He gets it poppin' in the hood, so his name ring bells.


The Big March Releases

These are, to date, the CDs and DVDs coming out this month that are non-negotiable purchases for all sane people:

March 1st
The Mars Volta, "Francis the Mute"
"Brotherhood of the Wolf" 3 Disc Special Edition (special features are awesome in my French version, can't imagine how cool they must be if you can understand what they are saying!)

March 15th
"The Incredibles" (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

March 22nd
"Finding Neverland"
"STAR WARS - Clone Wars, Volume 1" (!!!!!!!)

March 29th
"Closer" aka "The Natalie Portman as a Stripper Movie"


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